Manual and important points of attention for the Staenis grid:
Non load-bearing dry fillers, finished with OSB or Durelis boards

Placement method

Placement of the Staenis grid

Height adjustment

You can achieve the greatest flatness with a laser that corresponds to a line on a wooden tool / lath or folding rule. If you use a digital receiver, the dry fillers will cause height differences of a few mm. A digital spirit level is also not recommended. Try to use a digital receiver or spirit level only to set out a number of points, in order to adjust everything in between by means of a vertical adjustment, tensioned rope or aluminium rule.


We ask you to pay close attention to the height adjustment during installation and to regularly check the flatness with a long aluminium rule or laser.

Double sheeting when used without fillers

Always attach a double, staggered sheeting of OSB or Durelis sheets to the Staenis grid without fillers. Screw the first sheeting of 12 mm thickness into the slats of the Staenis grid (1 screw per 60 length, in rows of 50 cm). Screw the second sheeting of 18 mm thickness into the first sheet. The screws must be 2 cm longer than the thickness of the wooden sheet and may have a diameter of 3.5/4/4.5 mm.

Climate-neutral floor construction
FIT - Flanders - State of the Art Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen Vlaanderen Circulair  content= Made In Belgium EIT Climate-KIC Netwerk Ondernemen PMV